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Multiple Overrides Using a CSV File
Updated over 2 months ago

Editing Multiple Overrides

Users can now create, edit and manage multiple properties overridden in a Data Override action in FundApps.

We also offer the ability to edit existing overrides via a CSV. Users can export their existing overrides, make edits to the CSV and re-import the updates.

To export the CSV go to Admin >Setup > Data Overrides > Download.

Once exported, edit the necessary columns and save the amended file. For example, if you want to make an override inactive, change the IsEnabled column from TRUE to FALSE. Overrides left with TRUE will remain active unless the effective date has passed.

Editing Bundled (multiple property) Data Overrides

If users override multiple properties in a single override, you can still edit or create them via the CSV.

In the exported CSV, the multiple properties are grouped in a bundle, in a single row. The column BundleID represents the unique identifier for that bundle.

If the line already has a BundleID and changes are made to TargetPropertyX columns, FundApps will update the data for the multiple properties of that bundle.

If you want to edit / create a new override with multiple target properties

*It may be easier to create your first override with multiple target properties in FundApps, before doing so via the CSV, this way you can mimic the setup.

  1. Create a new row or locate the existing row you want to amend.

  2. The BundleID cells should be left blank or as is.

    • If BundleID does not have a value, we consider it a new entry and a new group will be created.

    • If Bundle ID matches an existing record in FundApps, that bundle will be updated.

    • FundApps matches all defined BundleIDs in the CSV with ones already present. This determines how we update the Data Overrides.

  3. Setting up the TargetProperty

    1. The TargetPropertyX columns define which property we are overriding.

    2. Similar to the above, if TargetPropertyX does not have a value, we consider it a new entry and a new override will be created. If it already exists, FundApps will match it to an existing record.

    3. To create a new override, fill in the relevant target property in the TargetProperty column. Each will need an assigned numerical value, starting at 0, depending on how many overrides you’d like to create within the bundle. For example, if you want to override 3 properties, you would have 3 columns; TargetProperty1, TargetProperty2 & TargetProperty3.]

  4. Complete other relevant columns such as TargetSource (value) & TargetCondition (whether a condition applies to the override, e.g. overriding only when a specific value comes in via the positions file.)

Before Reimporting Consider

  1. Users shouldn’t change BundleID. BundleID is the unique identifier for each override bundle and should be kept as is for existing overrides in a file, even if they are revised. If you are creating a new set of overrides, BundleID should be blank. When copying over overrides from an existing environment into an empty environment this column should be blank.

  2. TargetPropertyIDX has replaced ExistingID. Users should only edit TargetPropertyIDX. This has changed because users can now export a Data Override with multiple properties overridden in a single Data Override action and edit those properties within the CSV. When copying over overrides from an existing environment into an empty environment, this column should be blank.

  3. Do not edit overrides created by FundApps when uploading the CSV file back into FundApps. Editing overrides created by FundApps could cause validation failures they cannot be deleted or edited.

  4. Convert all dates into the required format YYYY-MM-DD. Impacted columns include: Active From, ActiveTo and LastNavDate.

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