There are two fundamental prerequisites for connecting to FundApps via API, both of which are common errors encountered during set-up.
The Correct URL
If your environment is available at https://%company%.fundapps.co/, then your API URL is available at https://%company%-api.fundapps.co/.
The same rule applies to your staging environment API, available at https://%company%-staging-api.fundapps.co/.
All requests made to our API must be over HTTPS.
Authentication and the API User
You authenticate to the API via Basic Authentication over HTTPS.
An administrator from your organisation must create a user with the role "API" for this purpose. You must authenticate for all requests.
Note: Please ensure you create a separate user for the API. If you use an existing user's account, as soon as they change their password, the API upload will fail.
Error Messages
Our API methods return machine-readable responses in XML format, including error conditions.