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Rules Screen Explained
Updated over 3 months ago


The Rules Screen is the best tool to use to get an overview of the over 400 rules maintained in FundApps. This screen can be accessed from the Rules drop-down (Rules on the top menu bar > All Rules).

The Rules Screen gives an overview of which rules are currently active within your system as well as rules which are disabled or awaiting approval. This article explains the information that can be presented on the Rules Screen and also which actions can be taken from this screen to help manage the FundApps rules.

The Rules Screen is Split Into Three Different Sections:

  • an action bar (top)

  • a filter menu (left), and

  • the actual rules (right)


The Filter Menu

The filters are named as intuitively as possible. However, a few things should be noted.

Assigned / Unassigned: A rule is assigned if it is part of a rule folder that has been assigned to one or more portfolios. This will be the most common place for a rule to be in. An unassigned rule could for example be the Industry Limits rules if the rule folder has not been assigned to any portfolios.

Upcoming: Rules that have a "Valid" date that is in the future will fall into this filter. This would be the case if we get notified of a regulatory change that comes into force at a future point in time. In this case, FundApps will code the rule, deploy it, and make it active from the specified date.

All rules: This filter contains absolutely every single rule that FundApps houses, including deactivated, unassigned, and no longer in force rules, as well as old versions of current rules.

The Actual Rules

This section displays all the actual rules alongside useful information about the specific rule. This information includes the rule name, rule version, date when it was approved, date from when the rule was valid, the country code and a direct link to the regulatory source.

These columns should be self-explanatory, however, there are few things that are worth noting.

  1. You can sort on all these columns and filter on most of them.

  2. Clicking the weight scale takes you to the relevant jurisdiction in the Aosphere rule finder portal if the user is logged into the portal.

  3. Clicking one of the rules will take you to the Rule Details Screen, where you can find more information and investigate the actual rule algorithm.

The Action Bar

There are three buttons that can be used in this part of the Rules Screen, which all do very different things.

Assignments: When a rule is highlighted and the "Assignment" button is clicked FundApps will show each Entity/Portfolio that the highlighted rule will run on and in which aggregation structure.

Deactivate: A rule can be deactivated by highlighting it and clicking "Deactivate". We recommend that the user think carefully about the reason for deactivating a rule. FundApps will further prompt the user to enter a reason for why the rule was deactivated.

Request New: This feature is mainly targeted at users who monitor prospectus rules, where this menu allows the user to efficiently request a new rule to be set up. This request will go directly to the FundApps support and Regulatory team.

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