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The 13f-2 Form SHO Properties Page
Updated over a month ago


In addition to Information Table 1 and Information Table 2, which are automatically populated by FundApps, investment managers must also submit a Cover Page when disclosing under the 13f-2 regulation. This document complements the information tables and provides information (e.g. contact details, CIK) related to the reporting manager.

When using the Generate Form functionality on the 13f-2 page, the Cover Page will be automatically included in the XML and HTML files.

13f-2 Form Properties Page

By default, the Filer Information and Cover Page details come from the Portfolio/Entity Form Properties. However, users can edit these details for a specific entity and month on the 13f-2 Form Properties page.

Once a user clicks Save, the properties on the 13f-2 Form Properties page are locked in for that month's filing unless edited again. Any future changes to the Portfolio/Entity Form Properties won't affect months where properties have already been saved.

However, Form SHO filings generated for other entities or months without properties saved on the 13f-2 Form Properties page will default to the latest values provided by the Portfolio/Entity Form Properties.

For most properties, any changes made on the 13f-2 Form Properties page will only apply to that specific month. To make a permanent change, you need to update the corresponding property in the Portfolio/Entity Form Properties (see the Portfolio Details Section below).

However, Form SHO-specific properties work differently because they do not have direct equivalents on the Portfolio/Entity Form Properties page. Once edited and saved on the 13f-2 Form Properties page, these properties become the default for future months. The Form SHO-specific properties are as follows:

  • Notification Email Addresses

  • Contact Employee Title

  • Manager Information (i.e. Investment Manager Name and non-lapsed LEI of investment managers reporting on behalf of the manager filing the report)

The system always uses the most recently saved Form SHO-specific properties when there are no new saved values for a given month. For example, if Form SHO-specific properties were saved for both January and February but not for March, the February values will be used for March. However, this logic is based on the filing month - for instance, if a user later saves new Form SHO-specific properties for April and then regenerates the form for March, the March form will still use the February values, not the April ones.

Generally, it is important to note that the information provided on the 13f-2 Form Properties page will only be used to populate Form SHO. This information will not be used to populate any other disclosure filings. Any properties saved on this page will only be used in the Form SHO filing for the selected month and entity.

Portfolio Properties

To ensure the 13f-2 cover page is correctly populated, the following portfolio properties need to be provided. These must be populated for the reporting entity and full details of these properties can also be viewed within the Form Properties screen in FundApps.

Portfolio Details Section:


This property needs to be provided to ensure the nonLapsedLEI is populated correctly on the Form SHO cover page.

Regulator IDs Section:


Those two properties need to be provided to ensure the CIK and CCC are populated correctly on the Form SHO cover page.

Contact Person Section:

ContactPersonFirst & ContactPersonLast

Those two properties need to be provided to ensure the ContactName and the EmployeeContact > Name fields are populated correctly.

Telephone & Email

Those two properties need to be provided to ensure the ContactPhoneNumber & ContactEmailAddress and EmployeeContact > PhoneNumber are populated correctly.

Company Details Section:


This property needs to be provided to ensure the ReporterInfo > Name is populated correctly.

Company Address Section:

Address & City

Those properties need to be provided to ensure the ReporterAddress > Street1 and ReporterAddress > City are populated correctly.

Form 13F Section:


Clients based in the US or Canada need to provide this property to ensure the ReporterAddress > StateOrCountry field is populated correctly.

Reporting Person Section:

ReportingPersonPostCode, ReportingPersonPhone, ReportingPersonEmail & ReportingPersonPosition

Those properties need to be provided to ensure the ReporterAddress > ZipCode, ReporterAddress > PhoneNumber, EmployeeContact > Email and EmployeeContact > Title are populated correctly.

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