For users who usually default to filing under the US 13D regime, FundApps provides the ability to "qualify" certain issuers for the US 13G regime. This is achieved through the use of the list property QualifiedFor13GIssuerIDs and the CompanyType value US-13D-Default. This article provides guidance on implementing this functionality and ensuring compliance with US Section 13 filing requirements.
The QualifiedFor13GIssuerIDs property is located in the Rule Properties tab, this is the same place where users set CompanyType for a portfolio/entity.
Entering an IssuerId into this field designates an issuer that qualifies for the US 13G regime when entities that would otherwise file under the US 13D regime. This property allows a comma-separated list of IssuerIDs that correspond to your position file.
Once specific IssuerIDs are specified in the property QualifiedFor13GIssuerIDs, FundApps will evaluate those issuers against the Major: US - 13G - Qualified Institutional Investor rule or the Major: US - 13G - Passive Investor rule depending on the CompanyType value of the given entity (see below).
The Major: US - 13G - 1% Non-QII rule will work as expected if the US-QII-Parent CompanyType is applied correctly.
In addition to defining the QualifiedFor13GIssuerIDs property, users who wish to utilise this functionality must also apply the US-13D-Default designation for CompanyType AND one of the 13G CompanyTypes (US-QII, US-QII-Parent, USPassiveInvestor) to all relevant entities in order for FundApps to determine which 13G rule against which to evaluate the defined issuers.
See this article for more details about relevant company types.