Position Limits may be applied and/or calculated differently depending on the account type in which the positions are held at the relevant exchange. For example, a Hedge Account will be netted differently on the Singapore Exchange compared to an Omnibus Account.
FundApps is able to distinguish between these account types via the entity & portfolio property ExchangeAccountType.
It is expected that a client will be a single account type per exchange; therefore, the ExchangeAccountType property should be set at the Top-level Entity to capture the correct regulatory application.
The account type at the exchange typically references who is interacting with the Exchange on behalf of our client;
If positions are held on behalf of a client (e.g. by a broker), the account type is usually Client/Customer or Agent
If positions are held on a proprietary basis, the account type is usually Proprietary (i.e. you are trading directly with the Exchange)
If positions are held by a market maker on the exchange, the account type is usually Market Maker (not typically relevant to our clients and our service)
Where the account type references the type of investment manager you are e.g. institutional - then select the account type appropriate for your company.
If you are unsure which account type to select for a given exchange for positions managed by a broker or other third party, contact them to determine which one is appropriate.
Valid ExchangeAccountType Values and the relevant exchange:
An account where trades are entered on behalf of an exchange member's customer is recorded in an "agent account."
Trades entered into the T7 system on behalf of clients are recorded in the agent accounts (A1, β¦, A9). All give-up trades are considered part of account A1 and are displayed as such trades. The account code G2 declares that the trade is going to be sent to another Member, usually when a client uses one member to perform the execution and another to do the clearing. Netting of Agent Accounts will be done on a gross basis.
See here for more information.
An account where trades for an exchange member's own account are recorded in a "proprietary account."
These two accounts are available for trades made for the participant's own account. The participant has full discretion over which account is used for an opening position, although close-outs must be directed to the same account as the open position. Netting of Proprietary Accounts will be done on a net basis.
See here for more information.
Accounts that trade on the participants' own account will be recorded under Proprietary Accounts (M1/M2). Trades resulting from quotes are booked automatically on the M1-account. Previously, positions within an M account were automatically closed out; with the upgrade of the C7 system in December 2018, gross handling of M-Accounts and Zero Cost Quantity (ZCQ) for M-Accounts was introduced. Netting of Market Maker Accounts will be done on a net basis.
See here for more information.
This account type is used when there are a number of underlying Customers whose positions are carried in sub-accounts. Long positions are not automatically offset against short positions. Instructions must be provided in order to close out an existing position in any sub-account.
Positions in such accounts are maintained for hedging against cash market or other types of exposures. Long positions are not automatically offset against short positions. Instructions must be provided in order to close out an existing position.
Such accounts are for taking speculative positions in the market, i.e. where the account holder does not hold concurrent long and short positions. For this type of account, long and short positions are automatically offset against each other.
Positions in such accounts are maintained for hedging purposes only. For this type of account, long and short positions are automatically offset against each other.
Such accounts are for taking speculative positions in the market. For this type of account, long and short positions are automatically offset against each other.
Local participants may be appointed by the exchange to act as market makers. Market makers have position limits which are double that of non-market makers.
The directive can be found here.
All other participants on the exchange will be subject to the position limits specified in Schedule 1 of the link above.
Accounts of clients of the exchange. For accounts held by Clients, the limits can differ from those held by Exchange Participants.
Accounts of Exchange Participants can be searched for here. For accounts held by Exchange Participants, the limits can differ from Client Accounts.
Positions held by Institutional Investors. For this type of account, long and short positions are automatically offset against each other.
Positions held by Retail Investors. For this type of account, long and short positions are automatically offset against each other.
Retail accounts held on the exchange. For retail accounts, the limits can differ from other account types e.g. commercial.
Commercial accounts held on the exchange. For commercial accounts, the limits can differ from other account types e.g. retail.
Customer accounts held on the exchange. For customer accounts, the limits can differ from other account types e.g. retail.
Positions held by Investment Trusts on the exchange. For investment trusts, the limits can differ compared to if contracts are held by an investment fund, for example.
Positions held by investment funds on the exchange. For investment funds, the limits can differ compared to if contracts are held by an investment trust, for example.
Positions held on a proprietary basis.
XNSE (more details here)
Government and government-related foreign investors, such as central banks and sovereign wealth funds, all insurance entities, funds from Financial Action Task Force (FATF) member countries, university and pension funds, etc.
Appropriately regulated funds not eligible as Category I foreign portfolio investors.
Appropriately regulated broad based funds such as Mutual Funds, Investment Trusts, Insurance / Reinsurance Companies, Other Broad Based Funds etc.
Appropriately regulated entities including Banks, Asset Management Companies, Investment Managers/ Advisors, Portfolio Managers, etc.
Broad-based funds whose investment manager is appropriately regulated. University Funds and Pension Funds. University-related Endowments already registered with SEBI as FII/Sub Account.
All other foreign investors investing in India under the PIS route, not eligible under Category I and II, such as Endowments, Charitable Societies/Trusts, Foundations, Corporate Bodies, Trusts, Individuals, Family Offices, etc.
Client-level limits also apply to Cat II accounts.
*FundApps does not currently support this type of ExchangeAccountType. If the XNSEClientAccount is relevant to you, please contact us at support@fundapps.co to let us know.
Trading member level limits apply to Cat I and Cat II other accounts
Accounts held by Non-Brokerage members of the exchange. For these accounts, the limits can differ from those held by Client Accounts.
Accounts held by Clients who will appoint a broker to trade on the exchange. For accounts held by Clients, the limits can differ from those held by accounts of exchange members.
Accounts held by Non-Brokerage members of the exchange. For these accounts, the limits can differ from those held by Client Accounts.
Accounts held by Clients who will appoint a broker to trade on the exchange. For accounts held by Clients, the limits can differ from those held by accounts of exchange members.
Accounts held by Brokerage members of the exchange.
Accounts held by Clients who will appoint a broker to trade on the exchange.
Accounts holding positions held on a proprietary basis.
Accounts held by Market Makers on the exchange
Accounts held by Non-Futures Firm Members
Accounts held by Overseas Special Non-Brokerage Participants
If positions are held on a proprietary basis, the account type is usually Proprietary (i.e. you are trading directly with the Exchange). Currently, there are no differences in limits between Proprietary and Market Maker.
Further details can be found here.
If positions are held by a market maker on the exchange, the account type is usually Market Maker (not typically relevant to our clients and our service). Currently, there are no differences in limits between Proprietary and Market Maker.
Further details can be found here.
Positions held by Institutional Investors. Details on limits can be found here.
Individual refers to an individual trader (not typically relevant to our clients and our service).
Customer accounts held on the exchange.
Commercial accounts held on the exchange.
Positions held by Investment Trusts on the exchange.
Accounts held by Market Makers on the exchange.